
Discover Hauvoy’s albums below

Prenes y garde !

This album was released in 2007 and was very well received by the critics. In this album there are 17 music tracks of the 12th and 16th centuries interpreted on a wide range of instruments, sometimes haut instruments (loud instruments for outdoor playing) and sometimes bas instruments (instruments with subtle tones used for chamber music). We also sing on these music tracks.

cover of Hauvoy's album "Prenes Y Garde"

Pieces we recorded

  1. Prendes y garde, Guillaume d’Amiens, Chansonnier d’Arras, 13th Century
  2. De Romeria sentada en Silla, Cantiga de Santa Maria 153, Codex Princeps, 13th century
  3. La Oveja que hablo, Cantiga de Santa Maria 147, Codex Princeps, 13th century
  4. Volez oïr la muse Muset, Colin Muset, 13th century
  5. Tempus transit gelidum, Carmina Burana 153, 13th century
  6. Como somos, Cantiga de Santa Maria 119, Codex Princeps, 13th century
  7. Une Bergerotte, Pierre Attaignant, 16th century
  8. Procurans Odium, Carmina Burana 12, 13th century
  9. Bon vin je ne te puis laisser, chanson 43 du Manuscrit de Bayeux, 15th century
  10. Fas et Nefas, Carmina Burana 19, 13th century
  11. Droemt mig en droem, Codex Runicus, around 1300
  12. Sumer is icumen in, Manuscrit Harley 978, 13th century
  13. Dieu gard celle de deshonneur, chanson 32 du Manuscrit de Bayeux, 15th century
  14. No sap chantar, Jaufre Rudel, 12th century
  15. Santa Maria strela do dia, Cantiga de Santa Maria 100, Codex Princeps, 13th century
  16. Non sofre Santa Maria/Jenin l’avenu, rondeau of François Villon (15th century) on the music of the 159 Cantiga de Santa Maria, Codex Princeps (13th century)
  17. Prenes y garde, Manuscrit de Montpellier, 13th century

Abbés de Cocagne

Hauvoy published his second opus in 2015. As on the previous album, the musical ambiances are changing, and the pieces are drawn from a variety of repertoires. We play a lot of instruments, but the bagpipes are particularly in the spotlight.

cover of Hauvoy's album "Abbés de cocagne"

Pieces we recorded

  1. Alle psallite cum luya, Montpellier mansucript, 13th century
  2. Ballade de bonne doctrine à ceux de mauvaise vie, François Villon, Bayeux manuscript, 15th century
  3. Ne sai que je die, Montpellier manuscript , 13th century
  4. Flos filius eius, Pluteus de Florence manuscript, 13th century
  5. Triste plaisir et douloureuse joye, Gilles Binchois, Manuscrit Canonici 213, 15th century
  6. Cavalcando con un giovane accorto, Magister Piero, Manuscrit Manciatichiano 26, 14th century
  7. A Virgen mui groriosa, 42 Cantiga of Santa Maria, Codex Princeps, 13th century
  8. Toda cousa que aa Virgen, 117 Cantiga of Santa Maria, codex Princeps, 13th century
  9. Ductie, Manuscrit Harley 978, 13th century
  10. Santa Maria punna d’avir, 259 Cantiga of Santa Maria, codex Princeps, 13th century
  11. Pucelette bele et avenant/Domino, Montpellier manuscript, 13th century
  12. Ne m’oubliez mie/Domino, Montpellier manuscript, 13th century
  13. A Madre de Jesu Christo, 302 Cantiga of Santa Maria, codex Princeps, 13th century
  14. La Tierche estampie Roial, Chansonnier du Roi, 13th century
  15. Triste Plaisir et Douloureuse Joye, Gilles Binchois, Manuscrit Canonici 213, 15th century
  16. Saltarello, London manuscript, 14th century
  17. Alle psallite cum luya, Montpellier manuscript, 13th century